12 Mar (Sat): Young Naturalist Passport Camp
A one-day camp full of fun-filled and educational indoor and outdoor learning of the wetlands and nature conservation issues through worksheets, nature walks and hands-on activities. The kids will earn a stamp for every completed activity, and a full collection of stamps will earn them a series of cloth badges. Suitable for children aged 6-10.
19 Mar (Sat): Public Bird Census Programme
The Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is conducting introductory bird census programme to showcase the birds of the Reserve and its bird monitoring programme. Join for a first-hand experience on bird watching and research work. There is a limit of 40 persons so register for the activity now! The event is free but pre-registration is required and entrance fees apply.
At Pasir Ris Park
12 Mar (Sat): Our Kitchen Garden Tour
Excite your senses! Find out how vegetables are grown before it gets onto your plate! Learn about grandma's natural remedies. $4 per person, pre-registration required. Suitable for children from K1-P6 levels.
19 Mar (Sat): Science in my Kitchen for kids
There’s more than what meets the eye. Explore and learn all about plants: Classification, life cycle, plant systems the functions of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Come to our outdoor science classroom. You will leave in awe of mother nature and cultivate the love of plants. $4 per person, pre-registration required. Suitable for children from K1-P6 levels.
At Pulau Ubin
12 Mar (Sat): Free Chek Jawa boardwalk tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
The Naked Hermit Crabs introduce you to Chek Jawa without getting your feet wet. Even though we are not going on to the shore, there is still much to see and enjoy. There are monitor lizards, fiddler crabs, spiders, rare plants, wild boars, mudskippers and lots of fruit trees. If we are lucky, we might even spot the Oriental Pied Hornbill, White-bellied Sea Eagle and the giant Atlas Moth. The event is free but pre-registration is required.
19 Mar (Sat): Guided walk at the Sensory Trail
Experience Ubin's wonderful nature through your senses along our Sensory Trail, the trail will brought you to the patch of herbs and spices and a "Secret Garden" to feel the original garden used to be on the island. $60 per group of 15 persons, maximum 6 groups. Booking online.
At the Botanic Gardens
12 Mar (Sat): Forest walk at the Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail
A guided nature walk through a rainforest right in the heart of the city! Along paved trails, under the shade of giant trees, learn about our rainforests, spot forest creatures and strange plants. The walk is free, pre-registration on the day itself. Suitable for young children. With a special Mandarin version of this tour at 4pm.
15 Mar (Tue): Sara Goes To Supermarket Garden
Sara, the Botanicosaurus is back! This time Sara, with her siblings and friends, visit the Supermarket Garden in the Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden. Join Sara to learn fascinating facts and hear interesting stories about the banana, peanut, soya bean, sugarcane, sweet potato and many more yummy fruits and vegetables in this special garden. Alongside learning about plants which you can eat, pick up tips on being a nutritional winner by eating delicious greens to stay strong and healthy. Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels. $9 per child (includes $3 “Sara goes to the Supermarket Garden” workbook) and $6 per accompanying adult
17 Mar (Thu): Let’s Discover Plants and Animals
Apart from plants, we often come across many animals in the Gardens, such as, birds, frogs, squirrels, butterflies, dragonflies, ants, earthworms. Be amazed by the many different types of animals in Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden! Learn fascinating facts about wildlife in the Garden and pick up tips on respecting them in nature and our environment. You may even have the chance to get up-close-and-personal with an oriental whip snake and a monitor lizard too!! Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels. $6 per child and $6 per accompanying adult.
19 Mar (Sat): "Stories about the Forest"
Centred on forests and its creatures, each workshop will feature a story associated with this special habitat. Using simple props, costume pieces and musical instruments, children get to participate by taking on various roles in the story. Through play and dramatisation, children will learn to emulate and incorporate the good, moral value in their lives. Suitable for children in K1 - P6 levels. $10 per child.
At Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
12 Mar (Sat): Monkey Walk
In collaboration with NParks, Crystal will be leading the Monkey Walks. After a short introduction to the Long-tailed macaques, head out to wherever the Hindhede monkeys happen to be, which is typically near the Visitor Centre or carpark at that time of day. As we all observe the macaques, Crystal will share more about their behavior, how to identify specific individuals, how the hierarchy of this group is organized, and more.
Crystal has been working with the Bukit Timah monkeys for the past year and a half and looks forward to the opportunity to share what she has learnt about these fascinating creatures. The event is free but pre-registration is required and limited to the first ten people to sign up.
MORE events for kids and others during the school holidays from the wildsingapore happenings blog.
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