And why should we care?

Apparently, civet cat poop doesn't always look like 'blueberry jam' (oops, sorry to those eating while reading this).
Poop is important because it tells us more about what civet cats eat.
Fung Tze Kwan is studying the diet of our
Common palm civet (
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). She is trying to determine if there is a food preference in the diets of the civets, and hopes to compare the feeding ecology of civets in natural and urban environment.
In the
outline of her project, Tze Kwan shares that "Knowledge on fruit–frugivore interactions, and seed dispersal processes in ecosystems, is essential for conservation of forests and animals (Corlett, 1998). This baseline ecological knowledge on the feeding ecology and seed dispersal capabilities of the civets can thus be further applied to conservation projects such as the Eco- Link project in Singapore."
You CAN make a difference!
Look out for poop! Collect and submit civet cat poop samples!
The project requires a large number of civet cat poop. So if you see some, collect it and send it in.
More details on how to do this and on
how to identify civet cat poop.
Seen a civet cat?
Share your sighting on
Hi. I think I'm having a civet cat in my neighbourhood. I have photos of the poop, looks like a small dog's poop, n evidence of a mangled jackfruit and poop near it. The poop was on top of water drum, n the only animals that can do this is the civet cat.
Do you have an email address I can send to.
Mine is Yr web pages links have been blocked. Not sure why.
Thanks for your comment.
Here is the link, which should work
This blog post is very old. Apologies for the lapsing links.
What is that seed we can see in that poop picture
Sandeep: What looks like seeds are the actual poop :-)
Lately we found blackish poop around the garden in our house. So happen it is the Chicky season. I hv a photo of the poop. If it belongs to the civet cat, how can I deter the animal from coming?
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